© Giulia Iannicelli (FAU)

Prof. Dr. Mario Liebensteiner

Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg

School of Business, Economics and Society
Assistant Professorship for Energy Markets and Energy Systems Analysis
Link to institution

  • Section
  • Economics
  • Working Group
  • Electricity Market of the Future


Mario Liebensteiner is Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Energy Markets and Energy Systems Analysis at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. He is further affiliated with WU Vienna. His research focuses on the analysis and regulation of energy markets and environmental policy. Previously, Mario Liebensteiner worked as a postdoc and respectively praedoc research associate at TU Kaiserslautern and WU Vienna. He holds a doctoral degree in economics from WU Vienna and studied economics at JKU Linz and City University of Hong Kong.