Focusing expertise, shaping policy – energy transition now!

Essential findings of the three baseline studies into the feasibility of the energy transition by 2050 in Germany

  • Publisher/author
  • ESYS, BDI and dena
  • published
  • September 2019
  • ISBN
  • volume
  • 17 pages

Based on their studies into the feasibility of the energy transition by 2050, the German Academies of Sciences' joint "Energy Systems of the Future" (ESYS) initiative, the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the German Energy Agency (dena) have published a discussion paper with recommendations how Germany's energy transition can succeed. ESYS, BDI and dena have jointly concluded that, although feasible, an energy transition can only be achieved if policymakers take immediate decisive action. A "business as usual" approach will result in Germany comprehensively failing to meet its climate targets.

The key findings from the comparison of the three studies can be summarized in seven points:

  1. Expand renewable energies more quickly
  2. Secure supply: make consumption more flexible and provide dispatchable power plants
  3. Develop market and technologies for renewable synthetic energy carriers
  4. Shift to a new technology mix in the transport sector
  5. Increase the extent and speed of energy refurbishment for buildings
  6. Avoid industrial emissions by efficiency, renewable energy sources and new processes
  7. Take an integrated approach to managing the energy transition to enable investment