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Prof. Dr. iur. Jürgen Kühling, LL.M

University of Regensburg

Chair for Public Law, Real Estate Law, Infrastructure Law, and Information Law
IRE|BS - International Real Estate Business School
University chair holder
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  • Law
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  • Electricity Market of the Future


The jurist und professor at the Chair for Public Law, Real Estate Law, Infrastrucure Law and Information Law was born 1971, is married and has two daugthers. He studied law at Trier and Nancy (Examination 1995/1997) and made his LL.M. at Brüssel 1994/1995. He achieved his doctor’s degree in 1998 and his habilitation in 2003.
He took on a Deputy Professorship at the universities of Hambug and Karlsruhe. He became 2004/2005 professor at the university Karlsruhe.
Since 2007 he ist he chair holder of the Chair for Public Law, Real Estate Law, Infrastructure Law, and Information Law at the university Regensburg
Since september 2020 he is Chairman of the Monopolies Commission
Prof. Dr. Kühling published more than 300 publications since his book (“Habilitationsschrift”) on the regulation of the network industry from 2004 in the areas of his professorship espacially about the german und european commercial law with an emphasis on the law of network industry (Energy Law; Telecommunications Law; Post Law; Transport Law), data protection law and competition law, construction land plannung law and european law. Further more he has extensive consulting experiences and is also member of several scientific advisory boards.